Sustainability Policy


Energy and Cost Saving

We prioritize the highest attention to all potential energy and cost savings to respect the environment and reduce overheads. For this reason, we have implemented an advanced cloud-based system that enables those involved to perform their tasks online, at any time, and from anywhere. This system will offer the following benefits:

  • Efficient Commuting: Most of our Partners operate from their home office and are always connected via the internet. We make intensive use of voice and video-conferencing and all state-of-the-art collaborative working tools.
  • Smart Candidate Screening: We do a thorough upfront telephone and CV screening of candidates to avoid unnecessary travel.
  • Eco-Friendly Paper Practices: We contribute to energy and cost savings by reducing paper consumption. Our commitment to sustainability includes a recycling policy for paper and obsolete equipment.
  • Economical Travel Strategies: In our efforts to save on energy and costs during travel, we prioritize trains and public transportation over planes whenever possible. For longer distances, we opt for low-cost airlines if available.

Corporate Social Responsibility

We are dedicated to assisting our clients in finding the ideal candidate for their job openings or the right solutions for their challenges. We persist until our clients' issues are resolved, working closely and transparently with their managers and HR teams.

Hightech Partners and Hoffman Assiciates are proud members of AESC the Global Association of Executive Search & Leadership Consulting (to be found at We have hence subcribed to the association “Code of Ethics and The Professional Practice Guidelines” that handles the way we interact with Clients, Candidates, Contractors and the Public and that sets the standard for executive search professionalism and confidentiality.

Ataya and Partners is a proud members of ECSO the European Cybersecurity Organization (to be found at

We are also members of the UN GLobal Compact (to be found at via our Swiss subsidiary Hightech Partners - ITP SA

