Bart Delaleeuw
Bert Vermeiren
Bruno Kraft
Bruno Kraft Italy based Partner Appointment
Denis Gallant
Elly de Vrijer
Georges Ataya
Helmut Stork
Hightech Partners (HTP) welcomes two new partners in Germany and Norway
Hightech Partners and Elly de Vrijer, Founder of Hill Consulting join forces
Hightech Partners and Prof. Georges Ataya join forces to deliver full-circle digital & trust services with ‘Ataya & Partners’
HTP welcomes Georges Ataya as Partner
HTP welcomes Jean-Christophe Legrand as new partner
Ineke Arts
Jean-Christophe Legrand
Jean-Michel Lucas
Marc Verbruggen
Michel Grisay
Mieke Dhoore
Paul Lenfant
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