Georges Ataya

Reskill Lead & Executive Search Sr. Partner

Georges Ataya



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 +32 475 70 57 09


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Over the past 20 years, Professor Ataya has become a strong reference in the training and education domain, mainly through his activities at Solvay Brussels School, where he is the founder and Academic Director of the Digital Transformation, Governance and Trust post-graduate and executive education.

In 1999, Georges founded ICT Control (as a partner at Ernst & Young at that time) and lately a network of peer experts in these digital & trust domains (ranging from digital transformations & data analytics to IT management, IT audit and risk management, information security, cybersecurity management, and European data protection).

He holds the position of Academic Director of IT Management Education at Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management. Professor at the Master in Management delivering Enterprise Consulting workshop since 2006 and in charge of IT Governance from 2011.

Past International Vice President of ISACA from 2006 to 2010, Past Chair of the External Relations Committee and co-founder of the Value Governance framework and the VALIT publications, directing the International Web project oversight, revamping COBIT and initiating the activities since 2002 of the IT Governance Institute. Georges acted as President of the Belux/Belgium Chapter and served in the Benelux Chapter since 1986.

Judiciary expert since 1992. Founder of the Belgian Chamber of IT Expert witnesses, member of ABEX, association of expert witness professionals in Belgium. Mediation in IT conflicts and member of the Bmediation ( CEPANI ( and Centre de médiation and arbitrage de paris (

Georges joined Hightech Partners in 2019 within the context of the company Digital Tranformation journey to implement the ARP Framework with the responsibility to lead the activity of the RESKILL Practice

He’s currently member of several boards: Belgian Cybersecurity Coalition (VP), AGORIA DIGITAL Industries, ISACA BE, BECI, VUB Chair Data Protection on the Ground, CIONET and he is founder of DPO Circle, the Belgian Association of Data Privacy Officer.


Areas of Expertise

Georges helps companies transform focusing on ICT Governance, Risk Management, Cybersecurity and Management Education.

Core Competencies

Digital transformation ● Cybersecurity ● GDPR ● Board management ● Strategic advice ● Executive Education ● IT Governance


PBA Business Administration

Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Belgium

MSCS in Computer Sciences

Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

